Saturday, August 18, 2012

Opah n atok:)

Hye cucu cucu opah yg kiut2...opah was 23 when wrote diz...opah juz wanna story mory little little lah wif cucu2 opah... Bout opah n atok...our love story....its begin wif strangers conversation...opah met ur atok in tagged,the old n da very lame social u know dat ur opah was a very cute gurl back wonder la ur atok tergila2 kan opah...but ur atok never admit dat..ur atok said opah gatal2 wif him..padahal ur atok la start da conversation...hows its happen? Lets opah simply describe it...... Atok: assalamualaikum wbt At first opah was like..ehmergerddd..wat a nerdy need to write a complete sentence of salam la..juz give 'salam' pun its ok..then opah smile n replied... Opah : waalaikummusalam warahmatullahiwabarakatuh cikgu! Do u guys think ur opah iz funny?hahaha yep...opah was 19 at dat wonder la kan? Wink2* then, ur atok replied opah  Atok: hahahaha..bla bla blaaaaa... Ermmm opah forgot oredi la our first conversation..its quiet funny though...opah ni jenis suke mlayan n gelak2 wif strangers...huhuhu....but cucu2 opah cannot aaaa...hehe... Started from that day, ur atok owez chit chatting wif malay words we call it 'mengejass awekzz'..hahaha...opah called him 'cikgu' all the time...Fyi..opah doesnt give opah's numbers to him...but ur atok gave his number..opah called him first...ur atok voices wowed opah la...then opah think opah kinda like him from dat moment....sweet x?hahahahaha.... To be continued....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

miss you..miss you...

where are u...n im so sorry...i cannot sleep n cannot dream tonite...
seriously..i miss u so damn much..juz see ur face pun cukop lah.....walaupun skang saye dah ade yg lain...tapi hati saye tetap memanggil-manggil nama awk...saya cuba..banyak kali sy cuba nak vanish out sume prasaan tu kat awk..n substitute it wif my tak boleh..siyes...:(..ur face,ur body,ur name,ur words,ur smile,ur voices n everythinglah gave big influences kat sy...awk tau?lpas awk kawen, sy jadi sgt2 sy tak rase itu salah sy..sbb lambat bagi respon kat rase sy takde hak untuk terima perasaan awk sbb sy still sgt2 nyesal..sbb baru sy sedar,apa yg sy nak dlm hidup ni adalah buat ape2 pun,trfikir awk...awk tau?tak kan...sbb awk dah pon kawen n tak toleh ke arah sy lagi..awk tau seksanya sy cuba nk lupakan awk??result spm sy teruk..sbb sy dah putus harapan mase tu..nak bace buku pun nmpak bile sy sedar awk dah takde lam idup sy sy jadi depressed lagi...:'(..then,sy dah bole carry on bile masuk uni.Syukur alhamdulillah Tuhan still sayang sy n bagi sy chances tuk further my study..then,sy rase dah dpt lupekan awk..n why la,time dah ade jejaka yg bertakhta lam hati sy,awk cerai lak time tuh?awk betol la..seolah-olah menduga sy...:( nak sy rasa tak nak awk sgt tp sy rasa itu sgt lh akan lukai prasaan org yg sgt setia ngan sy n sy tak syg die...cuma sy sgt cintakan awk...:(

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

~~The sadism yet legendary story of our baby yellow~~

U guys kenal x baby yellow?apakah itu?mee kuning kah?jebon kah?penyakit kuningkah?banner "bersih"kah?no no nooooo....its a car...itu kete kanciul..suda tak ale da puun..own by my boyfie...based on my experience la kan,kete ini sangatlah laju..kalo kitorang kuar,tekan minyak sket je, "keching"!bunyiknye lain mcm n terus pecut ke depan.and then,bout 5 minutes after the kachingggs tu,mule la ade kete2 beso cucuk2 blakang ajak race.mmg tu la hobi my boyfie,street racing camtu je.pastu sampai simpang,bile da lain2 jalan,diorang akan saling angkat tgn tande respek or in simple words tande trime kasih dats sounds like"thanks coz sudi racing kat lebuhraya yg jem gile"..biasenye bile mng,my boyfie rase puas.bile kalah,mule la die tambah sana sini.sampai kete die tu brtukar from lame to,baby yellow pernah tapau bmw 5 series n nissan serious..sbb tu my boyfie sayang gile kat baby yellow ni..lemme introduce you to my boyfie's late baby yellow..

Those stylo mylo pics taken approximately 15 minutes before the car burnt....dats why i call this sadism..sgt2 sadis n tragik...luckily,tiada korban nyawa melainkan korban jiwa raga seorang racer(ecehhh)or turboholic guy which is my boyfie..guess wat,the person dat responsible to call 911(ehem2)during the tragedy was boyfie totally stunned and glued.he's doing nothing..on that moment,the only thing i can see in his eyes was the pain dat can't be describe..pity my boyfie..almost 3 years..he worked hard to transform the normal kanciul become super l2s kanciiu..turbo sana,ekzos sini,cat sana,tukar sparepart sini.mmg da buat segala bagai..dah korban segala2,time,money,energy...but then,doom!its burnt!and its only take less than 20 minutes.after that, yellow panggang..:(
wanna peek the pics?here u are~~

hanye belakang ni n rims yg selamat..bomba smpai bout 15 minutes after,u guys imagine la..api merebak kejap jer..mmg tak smpat diselamatkan..farewell baby yellow...we love you..thanks for being there for us for almost 3 years..jasamu dikenang...

p/s: xoxoxoxoxoxo baby yellow,dun worry dear..we always love u....

2011 part 1~~the beginning of Biomol's student journey~~

its almost a year rite?hahaha...da lame x update blog...banyak sgt mende yg berlaku..ade yg awesome n ade yg shit + fffuu~~-____-~~but here,im gonna start wif my new life journey with Bsc Biomolecular Science(yes.i have to throw "microbiology world" away~~).n i have to record it before the world end('_')poker face,poker face~~
at first,kinda nervous la tgk subjek2 yg ak kene blaja..yea,satu sem mesti lebey 20 credits bro..tershitbrix gak la memule tgk plan of study yg dr faiz bagi tu..omai,mcm pack gile babang..~~but its ok,heroin industan x penah shitbrix lame2..hehe..after a while(bout few month),ak da adapt pun da syukur abiss sbb course ni je takde math..course lain semuanye ade math n of coz la,i hate math the most!hehehe..luckily my class partner is miz Erna Hazwani yg serba kalut n,she always be my baby~wwoooowwooo..hehehe...die la jd alarm ak..always remind me wat should i do.sama ada assignment ke,lab reports ke ape ke..miz erna la slalu remind me..tau je la.ak ni sdikit sebanyak agak clumsy n,mende2 camni ak slalu,scara tak langsung ak rase cam "God always be on my side".lucky:)Alhamdulillah..bout the study last sem,sumpah ak da most of mende yg ak blaja sgt2 complex esp bout DNA in eukaryotes n prokaryotes...mende2 berkod-kod tuh.ak rase cam,oh man!sape la yg jumpe dna nih,ak nak cekik die!..huhuh..but,alhamdulillah,eventhough ak target fail subjek tu, suprisingly dpt "b".sem lepas nyer result agak menyenggama minda sbb ak dpt dean list n ak x caya langsung.bout 5 times ak refresh page sbb takut result org lain terdisplay..then,tergamam jap.pastu terlompat la wei~~kekeke..n sem lpas ak agak lucky...kalo masuk competition yg kecik2 kat fsg n menara,ak mesti bawak balik something walaupon hanye,ak rasa my new life journey is not bad la.dulu,kalo ak masuk ape2 competition,sure x de luck punye..huhuhu..maybe sbb ak dpt geng baru yg lebey sporting n sempoi...esp kak mala n the geng..seniorita pon,ianya seiring dgn "luck"..hihihi..the most important memories yg ak nak record kat cni bout my best merepek's friends..geng xxxl,3g n sebagainye..huhuhu..they are cik latipah,cik wannai n cik erna..yup,degree ni kitorang da laen kebersamaan stil takleh dipisahkan...every weeks,kitorang kene spend masa even a day untok meluhkan ape yg terbuku2 dgn prasaan meluap2..gelak2 mcm org ilang akal..saling bahan-membahan n sebagainye...ilangkan tension~~:))lucky i got friends like u yg cdaynya,sem dpn wannai dah nk move ke usm,da x de kepala gege..cday giler..ak ngaku,ak sayang diorang sesaangat tp x gheti nk luahkan physically..huhuhu..farewell my sweety~~:'(...alamak da exhausted la typing..nak rest jap..t ade mase ak sambong lagi....2011 part 2;)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


ak sangat bengang ngan subjek csc ne...pedehal la plak ak kene blja sal computer programming..benci betol laaaa...ak dahla x suke mende2 cmni.ingt ke amik kos sains x pyh blaja subjek mcm ni!iye la,kalo kos computer programming tu,ade x diorang amik subjek sains?x de kan??so ak bengng ah.pehal lak ak kene blaja mende2 cmni!x suke betul laaaaa...:((

Friday, August 6, 2010

~~sebulan sudaaa~~

ngee...da genap sebuln da ak n teepah prctikal kt pusrawi ne.....
heehee....the answer is....
haaa....memng best...hehe
everyday kitorang dok gelak je...x de keje len..
dah semput2 bru kitorang benti.smpai staf2 ckp
"korang ne pent gelaak je au"..kih2..
first2 memng ase janggal n segan...
lam mindset ak mase 1st day "alahai...x ley la aku nk bersndiwara,bergurau,bergelek,bergolek lam mase 3 bulan ne..."
then,tgk la..hasilnye,everyday kitorang asik hepy go lucky je...
nk pulk pktikal ngan teepah..hehehe
staf2 kt cni memng ho liauo..
*2 thumbs up!!
smuanye sporting2..*thanks sgt2 ek akak2 sume~~
~pn sarimah: comel orgnye..spoting n baek sgt-(bos kitorang)
~kak mazni: gila2 cm kitorang n ley trime sume lawk bodo2 kitorang.cayala...:)
~kak ila:pown same cm kak mazni.bestfriend kitorang~~:))
~kak noor; sgt2 kelaka n sgt2 spoting!satu kelapa la ngan kitorng!
~abg enal: pelik tp benar...hahahaha~"haa,apedie??!"
~kak suzi: comel,spoting n nmpak cm x kawin ag!hehehe
~kak ina: nmpak garang tp sbenanye baekk sgt2..:)
~kak yan: 1st staff yg kitorang kenal..nice n sweet:)
~kak atul: owg kedah yg pekat loghatnye
~kak yati: comel n sgt baek..
~kak puteri: lawa cam puteri...lembot budi bahasenye...:)
~en z:instructor yg spoting!~"cobaan...'hahaha

haaa...lengkap la suda hikayat hulubalang2 makmal ar razi kt pusrawi ne..huhu
pokok pangkalnye pusrawi ne memng best...
x sia2 kitorang g program kt hotel putra..
memng rezeki nk dapat pusrawi..
dpt kenal2 ngan org2 yg baik2 lam bndar kl yg penoh ngan owg2 jaat..
PUSRAWI memng best!!!:))

Thursday, November 5, 2009

When im wif u...

What is it with Love
That makes me
then breaks me?

When in love
Do I truly love?

Is it really love
Or do I think that I love?

Maybe I just love being in love
Or love the idea of being in love?

I spent my whole life chasing love.
In the end the one thing I truly love
Could just be the meir pursuit of love.