U guys kenal x baby yellow?apakah itu?mee kuning kah?jebon kah?penyakit kuningkah?banner "bersih"kah?no no nooooo....its a car...itu kete kanciul..suda tak ale da puun..own by my boyfie...based on my experience la kan,kete ini sangatlah laju..kalo kitorang kuar,tekan minyak sket je, "keching"!bunyiknye lain mcm n terus pecut ke depan.and then,bout 5 minutes after the kachingggs tu,mule la ade kete2 beso cucuk2 blakang ajak race.mmg tu la hobi my boyfie,street racing camtu je.pastu sampai simpang,bile da lain2 jalan,diorang akan saling angkat tgn tande respek or in simple words tande trime kasih dats sounds like"thanks coz sudi racing kat lebuhraya yg jem gile"..biasenye bile mng,my boyfie rase puas.bile kalah,mule la die tambah sana sini.sampai kete die tu brtukar from lame to awesome.fyi,baby yellow pernah tapau bmw 5 series n nissan skyline..im serious..sbb tu my boyfie sayang gile kat baby yellow ni..lemme introduce you to my boyfie's late baby yellow..
Those stylo mylo pics taken approximately 15 minutes before the car burnt....dats why i call this sadism..sgt2 sadis n tragik...luckily,tiada korban nyawa melainkan korban jiwa raga seorang racer(ecehhh)or turboholic guy which is my boyfie..guess wat,the person dat responsible to call 911(ehem2)during the tragedy was me.my boyfie totally stunned and glued.he's doing nothing..on that moment,the only thing i can see in his eyes was the pain dat can't be describe..pity my boyfie..almost 3 years..he worked hard to transform the normal kanciul become super l2s kanciiu..turbo sana,ekzos sini,cat sana,tukar sparepart sini.mmg da buat segala bagai..dah korban segala2,time,money,energy...but then,doom!its burnt!and its only take less than 20 minutes.after that,tadaaaaa...baby yellow panggang..:(
wanna peek the pics?here u are~~
hanye belakang ni n rims yg selamat..bomba smpai bout 15 minutes after burnt..so,u guys imagine la..api merebak kejap jer..mmg tak smpat diselamatkan..farewell baby yellow...we love you..thanks for being there for us for almost 3 years..jasamu dikenang...
p/s: xoxoxoxoxoxo baby yellow,dun worry dear..we always love u....